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Use Cases

Missing or Incomplete Events

GhostLogs solves problems that make life difficult for researchers & analysts:

  1. No event entirely. When the contract state changes but it neglects to emit an event
  2. Emits an event, but it lacks important details needed to reconstruct the state
  3. Emits an event, but it is wrong
  4. Emits an event property but emits it from 2+ separate execution pathways that represent very different actions. State can be reconstructed but reconciling the action can be difficult (ex: price change from a swap vs price change from an admin setting a new price both emitting the same event)

Gas-Optimized Smart Contracts

If you are a protocol developer, you may want to reduce the gas cost of your smart contracts so the end-users can pay less gas fees. By offloading some of your events to an offchain overlay network such as GhostLogs, you can achieve both maximum observability and gas efficiency.


The GhostLogs Team does not endorse a total removal of the event logs in smart contracts. Our stance has always been that GhostLogs events increase observability while decreasing the cost of onchain compute

Developer Experience

Go straight to the source and modify contracts in the same language they were written in. No need to context switch between Solidity/Vyper and your ETL language! Of course, modifying the contract does not change any on-chain state, but it gives you a view into previously hidden or difficult-to-access state and state changes.

Robust Proprietary Analytics

Advanced traders may want to build robust proprietary analytics on top of protocols like Aave and Compound, monitoring custom gasless events that no one else has